Sunday, May 6, 2012

DUI Alcohol Program: What Alcohol Program Will I Have To Complete?

Law Offices of EJ Stopyro
Orange County DUI Lawyers
DUI Attorney in Orange County

If you are convicted of a DUI in Orange County you will be required to complete a state-approved alcohol education program BEFORE the DMV will give you your license back. The alcohol program that you will be required to complete will depend on whether you have prior DUI convictions and, if it is a first offense DUI, what your blood alcohol level was. For a free consultation on this issue call the Law Offices of EJ Stopyro at (949) 559-5500 and speak directly to an Orange County DUI attorney.

If your DUI defense lawyer is able to get the DUI charge reduced to a “wet reckless”, then you will only be required to complete the 12-hour program. (SB 1176) This is the shortest possible alcohol program and consists of 12 hours of lectures. You will be required to attend one lecture a week for 12 weeks.

First-Offense DUI

If you are convicted of a first-offense DUI, then you will be required to complete either a three, six, or nine month alcohol education program. In Orange County, if your blood-alcohol was below a .15% you will be required to attend the three-month program which consists of 12 hours of lectures, 18 hours of group counseling, and three individual counseling sessions. (AB 541) If your blood-alcohol was a .15% or higher but below a .20%, then you must complete the six-month program which consists of 12 hours of lecture, 36 hours of group counseling and 4 individual counseling sessions. (AB 762)

If your blood-alcohol was .20% or higher OR if you refused to take a blood or breath test, then you will be stuck with the nine-month class. (AB 1353) This program consists of 12 hours of lecture, 46 hours of group counseling, and 13 individual counseling sessions.

DUI With One Or More Priors

If you have at least one prior DUI within 10 years of the date the new DUI happened, then you must complete the 18-month “multiple-offender” program. (SB 38) This program consists of 12 hours of lecture, 52 hours of group counseling, and 26 individual counseling sessions. This is all completed in the first 12 months. For the last six months of the program you will be required to attend a one-hour “community reentry monitoring session” each month for the remaining six months.

For more information on alcohol program requirements call the Law Offices of EJ Stopyro for a free and confidential consultation or go to our website at

Law Offices of EJ Stoyro
Orange County DUILawyers

1 comment:

  1. Excellent information provide for us.....................

    Orange County Criminal Lawyer
