Monday, October 7, 2013

Blood Or Breath: Sometimes You Don’t Have A Choice

If you are ever unfortunate enough to get arrested for a DUI in Orange County, whether after being pulled over for a traffic violation, at a DUI checkpoint, or after an accident, the officer who arrested you for DUI will almost always tell you that you must submit to either a blood test or a breath test in accordance with California’s Implied Consent law. (California Vehicle Code Section 23612). However, you Orange County DUI Lawyer will tell you that the officer doesn’t always have to give an arrestee the choice. In some instances, a person arrested for DUI will be required to take a blood or urine test instead.

According to Section 23612 if the police officer who arrested you for DUI has specific and articulable facts that indicate that you may be under the influence of drugs, instead of or in addition to alcohol, then the arresting officer can require that you submit to a blood test. If you refuse to take the blood test then even if you did submit to a breath test you can be charged with a refusal. A refusal charge will typically lead to a longer period of suspension and perhaps even mandatory time in the Orange County jail if you are convicted of a refusal in the court proceedings.

DUI Lawyers in Orange County will tell you that other instances of when a police officer can require a person to submit to a blood test after they have been arrested for a DUI or drug DUI is when the arrested person cannot complete a blood test. For example, if the person arrested for DUI has a blood condition reducing the clotting ability of their blood, then they may, if the officer knows facts indicating drug use, require the arrestee to submit to a urine test. Also, in the case of an accident, when the driver is suspected of impairment by either drugs or alcohol or both, but where the driver is unable to submit to a breath test because of injury, then that person can be required to take a blood test or urine test.

The Implied Consent law also says that the police officer who arrests you for DUI must tell you that you do not have the right consult with your Orange County DUI Attorney before deciding which test to take and that you do not have the right to have your DUI Lawyer present during the test.

If you have been arrested for a DUI and would like to consult with an experienced DUI Attorney, call The Law Offices of EJ Stopyro today at (949) 559-5500 for a free telephonic consultation. The call is completely confidential. Or visit our website at We have offices at: 1901 Newport Blvd., Suite 350, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; and 32072 Camino Capistrano, 2nd floor, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675.

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